If Eyes Were Truly the Windows into the Soul

Akua ntiwaa Anti
Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2022


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

If eyes were truly the windows to the soul

Telling and bespeaking of expressions strange, yet demure

Then for the depths and depths of intensiveness they portray,

Sometimes a pair blue like the pools of an endless sea,

Drowning you but not letting you fall.

At times so dark, almost purple

And yet growing darker and darker until it turns midnight.

Come to think of the sparkling emeralds,

Shimmering even in tears,

Singing of a beauty well shown,

Eyes a prize worth winning.

And to the jade pairs, seeming so soft and velvety

And yet so cynical and yet so cold.

And of course, the startling aquamarine,

The vivid blue green combination

Slightly bewitching

Perhaps expressing bewilderment,

Perhaps not,

I don’t care to know.

Oh and not forgetting us simple brown folk

Inexpressive, intelligent, indescribable.

Nothing more there is to say.

And for the oddly coloured pairs,

A wish, a whim I might have not ever,

But mind you, not for want of trying.

Yea, there’s silver, and then grey,

And sometimes I wonder if there might be chestnut,

Likely not, oh definitely not,

For I shall not want to stare into such.

Ah and for those drawing every gaze and holding it,

Causing you to take a second glance and see that it verily is.

I once knew of a lad,

One eye blue, the other green,

That’s what he had.

‘A freak’, they called him ,

‘Spectacular’, I thought of him.

Truly, if eyes were the windows to the soul,

If truly they were.



Akua ntiwaa Anti
Thought Thinkers

so I basically love reading. And I read about anything I can find. I also do a bit of free style writing and I'm looking forward to enjoying my time on medium